It’s The Perfect Time to Replace Your Gas Water Heater

Harness the power of the Inflation Reduction Act and similar policies to get thousands in rebates and tax credits. Make your home greener and your bills smaller with a Heat Pump Water Heater.

Whether your gas water heater is nearing the end of its lifespan or not, now is the perfect time to consider a replacement that will enhance your home's safety and value.

With new incentives, the cost of upgrading to clean and efficient heat pump water heating have decreased so dramatically that it more than pays for itself!

The Superiority of Heat Pump Water Heaters

Heat Pump Water Heaters (HPWH) aren't just a replacement for your old fossil gas water heater. They're an upgrade in every way!

Electrify My Water Heater ➜

Why Now?

You might be wondering, why is now the perfect time to make the switch?

Now’s the Time for Incredible Savings

The Inflation Reduction Act and other similar policies have made the upfront cost of installing a Heat Pump Water Heater more affordable than ever. A typical installation that used to cost around $8,000 can cost as little as $1,000 today! Numerous options exist for low-cost financing, including no-money-down 0% loans - QuitCarbon will help you find the best option. HPWH will save you money on your utility bills (and will save you even more if you have solar).

Simple and Straightforward Replacement

New water heaters can plug into a regular outlet, which means you won't have to worry about any additional electrical work in your home. Upgrading to a heat pump water heater is a job that QuitCarbon’s vetted contractors typically complete in just one day.

Future-proof Your Home

With the Bay Area Air Quality Management district planning to ban new gas water heaters in 2027, it's a good idea to start transitioning to sustainable appliances now.

Your Gas Heater Will Wear Out

Don’t wait until you’re in a hurry! It’s never too early to replace a gas water heater — you’ll start saving on your utility bills and stop polluting as soon as you do. Your old gas heater will get recycled.

That’s why installing a Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH) is a small effort with a big impact!

Electrify My Water Heater ➜

We're Here to Help

Navigating incentives and finding a qualified contractor are daunting tasks. That's where QuitCarbon comes in. We make it easy for homeowners like you by creating a personalized Electrification Plan that includes your water heater. We find the best contractors, make sense of financing, incentives, and rebate paperwork, and right-size equipment to save you time and money. Leave the hard work to us and enjoy a smooth transition to a greener home.
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